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Astero NXT

New Generation Astero Panels are the Smart and Advance Panels for RO Plants.

It protects and increases the life of RWP / HPP / RO Membranes.

Operates plant in Complete Automation mode with option of Remote Monitoring.


Astero NXT Controllers

Astero NG is Smart, advance Controllers for Standard RO plants.

Its advance features helps to increase life of RO Membranes , RO Pumps, Run entire RO plant systeatically and automatic.

advance features like service time reminder, time lock, hours of operation , product flow rate and total flow makes it easy for OEMs to trouble shoot RO plant.

Option of Advance Auto Flushing operation.

Interlock of Dosing Tank low level / High ORP / Low Level in TWT

Handshake with, Runxin Auto MPV, Intisoft AutoMPV, Evolve Auto MPV