

40 Pentair Codeline Membrane Housing Sideport

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Codeline 40S is membrane housing series of 4 diameter with side entry design. This is used for commercial, municipal and industrial RO applications. Vessel models are available in operating pressure of 300 PSI, 450 PSI and 600 PSI with multiport connectivity. These are made up of epoxy/ glass composite to meet the demands of long term and continuous use in RO processes. Codeline 40S vessels can accommodate any standard 40 membrane element. The 40S series also comes with an optional sanitary connection.


  • Mirror Finish ID for easy and quick loading and unloading of membranes

  • Multi-porting option for connecting vessels to each other

  • Quick lock head retention system for quick access to membranes

  • Exteriors coated with high-gloss polyurethane paint for UV resistance

  • Captured head seal prevents roll during head assembly fitting

  • Various options available in ASME certified and CE marked models

  • Non-coded vessel models are available up to 600 PSI

  • CodeLine 40S non-coded is CE and NSF certified

  • CodeLine 40S coded is ASME, CE and NSF certified

Unique Benefits:

  • End plug assembly: Single-piece head assembly for non coded models with high-grade thermoplastic material reduces the number of spares.

  • Improved head sealing: Integration into the end plug, head/sealing plate provides better sealing and avoids head seal roll, eliminating head leaks

  • Integrally wound locking groove: enhanced end-margin strength for better performance 

  • Membrane elements: Housing can accommodate a maximum of six membrane elements

  • Ultrapure/sanitary applications: the coded models in the 40S series can optionally accommodate a specially designed sanitary connection